About me

I am now an associate professor and master supervisor in College of Computer and Data Science, Fuzhou University. I am also the High Level Talents of Fujian (B level). I received the B.S degree in computer science from Xiamen University, China, in 2013 and Ph.D. degree from Tsinghua University in 2019 (Supervisor: Jianping Wu and Xia Yin). During my Ph.D. study, I won the CSC scholarship and studied in Tandon School of New York University as a visiting student under the supervision of Professor H. Jonathan Chao and Professor Yang Xu (now a full professor in Fudan University) during 2017.10-2018.09. I was also a Postdoc in the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong during 2020.11-2021.09 under the supervision of Professor Dan Wang.

My research interests include traffic engineering, routing optimization, resource optimization, traffic anomaly detection, traffic prediction and mobile edge computing. I have authored or coauthored more than 20 research articles published in refereed journals and proceedings, including the IEEE Transaction on Networking, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Computer Networks, CONEXT, INFOCOM and ICNP. I served as the TPC member of IWQoS (CCF-B) in 2022. I am also a member of CCF Internet Technical Committee.

I am the leader of the AINET (AI for NETworking) group and focus on solving the computer network problems with AI techniques. If you have interests with my group or want to collaborate with me, please feel free to contact me by sending me emails. I am also looking for self-motivated, diligent students with a good personality. Please drop me emails with your CV after reading [this] if you want come to my group and let me be your supervisor.


  1. Routing Optimization via Deep Reinforcement Learning in Hybrid SDN, National Natural Science Foundation of China(PI).


  2. Joint research and demonstration of international governance in cyberspace for IPv6, National Key Research and Development Program of China.

    面向 IPv6 的网络空间国际治理联合研发与示范——国家重点研发计划,子课题骨干,2020.05-2023.05


  1. C programming, spring semester course, Fuzhou University
  2. Algorithm and Data Structure, autumn semester course, Fuzhou University
  3. Python programming, spring semester course, Fuzhou University